Sunday, August 30, 2015

Growing Metal, Printing Humans And Repairing Robots

Forbes - Markets
Growing Metal, Printing Humans And Repairing Robots
In the early part of last week it was like whack-a-mole.  Every time it looked as though stocks might see the light of day and pop higher they were pounded lower yet again as investors worried about the ever-shrinking Chinese economy… The situation got so desperate Tuesday that Apple chief executive Tim Cook even went so far as to email TV stock market personality Jim Cramer to tell him investors have it all wrong: Apple's business in Chinese is strong.  Apparently, the chief's glitchy watch did not tweet him that a selective disclosure like that may not have been legal.  Of course, by the end of the week Chinese markets had reversed amid rumors of more intervention and US indexes actually finished the week with modest gains following better than expected second-quarter GDP… On a somewhat related note, NASA says the world is not going to end in September as had been previously reported on the Internet. Just when it seemed safe to believe the stuff posted on Facebook…  Google’s director of engineering expects within the next 10 years engineers will be able to 3D print human organs using stem cells, program human biology away from diseases like cancer and even retard the aging process.  If that's the case, Google will next need to fix the problem of human over-population. Hope they have an algorithm for that too….  Self driving cars are coming sooner and they are likely to be a bigger business opportunity than most anyone is predicting – if you exclude all of the car companies, Apple, Google, Tesla, Uber and the insurance industry.…  Samsung may be finally getting design right with its new Gear smartwatch.  Is it folly to hope there is no catch, no fatal Samsung flaw? …  Mike Tyson is the official face of a Bitcoin ATM. This is a good time to recall  some past quotes from Mike Tyson, philosopher. ‘I just want to conquer people and their souls.’ … And: ‘Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth.’ … And: ‘My biggest weakness is my sensitivity. I am too sensitive a person.’ … Which leads inevitably to: ‘I try to catch them right on the tip of his nose, because I try to punch the bone into the brain.’ … My free suggestion for an advertising slogan for Mike's new gig: ‘Bitcoin. Pay til it hurts.’ ….  A Chinese chef/inventor wants to replace human noodle makers with a robot and the slowing economy patrons don’t seem to mind.  The red unibrow, twinkling yellow eyes and metallic trim is a nice touch…

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