Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How It Might Be A Lose-Lose Situation For Volkswagen In China

Forbes - Markets
How It Might Be A Lose-Lose Situation For Volkswagen In China
When the tide is high, it takes out everything in sight, even the entities that once seemed formidable. Volkswagen AG has for a few years now depended on its sales in China to fuel overall growth. The group is the highest-selling automaker in the country, where the motorization rate is approximately 100 vehicles per 1000 individuals, compared to nearly 800 vehicles per 1000 individuals in the U.S.? so there is still room for growth in China. However, in China, the slowing economic conditions, precipitous fall in the stock market, slowdown of infrastructure and real estate sectors, has hurt customer sentiment, and the spillover of this can also be seen in the country?s automotive market.

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